The Excellent Adventures of Dan & Maude: Part VII


Maude next writes to D.H. from the Travelers Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The postmark shows the letter was mailed 6:30PM on June 4, 1939:

"Dear D.H.
Your letter received when we got in yesterday. It's hard for me to write on the trains as without doubt they have very rough track. The first rain for more than a year fell Friday in the part of Texas over beyond Del Rio and that accounts for the accident which I am enclosing the newspaper pictures etc. The weather is very warm and Dan has shipped home his top-coat and some soiled linen (to the office) as he will call for it when he gets home."

"We had done a lot of sight seeing and are leaving in about an hour for New Orleans- Dan makes all the plans so I never know just what the next stop will be until he decides.
Hope my plants get enough water. It certainly is dry here.

Yesterday they celebrated Jefferson's birthday by having all the parks and state offices closed. Will try and write tomorrow. The pens are so poor I have to use pencil.



In this letter, Maude includes a newspaper clipping detailing the train crash she references above. The clipping is from The Dallas Morning News, Sunday, June 4, 1939. Here are some of the stories covered that day: