The Excellent Adventures of Dan & Maude: Part V

In 1939, Maude and her son, Dan, took a grand adventure across the United States. They traveled by rail from Boston, Massachusetts all the way to the west coast with various stops along the way. Throughout their journey, both Maude and Dan regularly corresponded with “D.H.” (as Maude refers to him)/Dad to share their stories with him. These letters have been miraculously preserved for 82 years. I am excited to be able to share these stories with you, so that the thrill and adventure of interwar period cross-country rail travel will not be forgotten.

Dan and Maude continue their journey from San Francisco south to Los Angeles. Maude writes to “D.H.” on May 30, 1939 from the New Rosslyn Hotels. The hotel’s stationary boasts “1100 rooms- 800 baths, popular prices, and free bus to and from railway stations.”

“Dear “DH”

We have put in a day; went out to Long Beach, the Fleet is in and the place is swarming with sailors. It was so cloudy and cool until noon and from then on it was too warm.”

She comments that as they walked down the street “
the paper boys are yelling something about John Barrymore.” Perhaps he was in Los Angeles filming his last great work, The Great Man Votes!

Maude does not seem as cheerful about LA as other places she has written about, or perhaps she is getting tired or traveling. She comments: 

“But what a tough town! We came in right after dinner. I had to re-pack my bags and do a bit of laundry. Being a holiday I couldn’t get a blouse even ironed.” 

“Dan is beginning to look much better. He has already gone to bed and I had better do the same as I want to get an early start tomorrow AM.



P.S. These hotel pens are not much good.”

Have you taken an excellent cross-country trip? Tell us your story of living history in the comments!